Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Mobile Marketing for Small Business Owners

Improving Your Mobile Marketing Efforts

text marketing, online marketing, social media marketing
Using mobile marketing for
small or home businesses
As many successful business owners will tell you, marketing is an important part of growing your company. But, the problem that many small businesses face is not being able to outsource their marketing to ensure its success. Many times, owners take the marketing on themselves and become lost in the many options they now have to reach customers wherever they are. Mobile marketing is one of those tools that can make marketing easier, but doing it right is often more of an art than a science.

Mobile marketing allows businesses to reach customers directly on their smartphone or tablet device. Since these devices are much more popular these days than desktop computers or newspapers, it only make sense to hit customers up on the device they use the most. However, business owners walk a fine line between being effective and being annoying – bombarding consumers with unwanted text messages can often be a turn off so how business owners can use mobile marketing correctly?

Respect Consumers’ Privacy

Consumers are often taken aback when they receive advertising via text message, especially when they weren’t asked permission first. This is often a violation of consumers’ privacy and when they feel violated, they will often not purchase from a company. Before sending a customer any mobile marketing, make sure you ask their permission – this could be checking a box during online checkout or filling out a card at your storefront. If consumers are expecting your message, they are likely to accept it.

Keep it Short and Sweet

Text messages have a much higher open rate than email but give you only a few words to get your point across. Remember to keep your messages short and to the point – consumers are not going to want to take the time to read a text message that is multiple pages long. The beauty of mobile marketing is that it is fast and effective – the quicker a consumer can read your message, the sooner they comprehend it and the faster they run to your business to make a purchase or take advantage of a sale.

Include Special Offers

There is nothing consumers like more than having coupons and special offers sent directly to their smartphone. While mobile marketing is great for sending advertisements, it is also the perfect platform for sending consumers great deals. Consumers often don’t mind when entities like grocery stores track their purchases since they often get coupons for what they buy most – keep this same idea in mind when using your mobile marketing – great deals will bring consumers right to your door.

Integrate with Other Efforts

Mobile marketing is great but, as any marketing professional will tell you, an integrated marketing plan is much more effective than only using one channel. Make sure to use a mobile platform in conjunction with your other efforts such as social media, email and direct mail. Also, keep a close eye on the metrics of all of your marketing platforms to evaluate what is working and what isn’t – by doing this, you can tailor and advertising plan that is appealing to your target audience and will produce results.

If you would like more tips on how to make your small or home business more successful, call Stacy O’Quinn today! Stacy has helped dozens of entrepreneurs create financial freedom by teaching them the same tools he learned from Dani Johnson. For more information about Stacy and his opportunities, please click here.

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